How Does Milk Round Software Help Track Glass Milk Bottles?

ravi garg, mds, milk round software, glass milk bottle tracking

Milk Round Software is a SaaS platform designed to streamline operations, helping milk service providers efficiently monitor the distribution, collection, and return of glass milk bottles. This gives complete visibility of the operations, preventing loss of glass bottles and financial losses.

Logistics and tracking milk bottles are the major challenges of milk distribution businesses. With more focus on sustainability and environmentally conscious customers, it has become crucial to use reusable bottles and keep track of their circulation.

This blog explores;

What is Milk Round Software?

Milk Round Software is a SaaS-based cloud platform based on subscription-scheduled delivery models. The subscription management offered by this software makes it an appropriate choice for door-step milk delivery businesses, as milk is a staple and a daily morning need.

The software ensures the customer receives consistent and regular milk bottle delivery with single order placement. It also offers other features and functionalities that streamline your milk distribution to enhance efficiency, customer experience, and return on investment. The milk delivery software offers three platforms working in sync for end-to-end tracking and managing your milk distribution.

ravi garg, mds, platforms, milk round software, admin panel, customer app, driver app

These three platforms are:

Admin Panel

The admin panel is a consolidated platform that gives you complete control and visibility of your milk delivery business. It enables you to track and manage subscription orders, deliveries, customers, empty milk bottles, inventory, and recurring payments. The functionalities offered by the admin panel of milk delivery software are:

  • Milk subscription order management
  • Recurring billing and payments
  • Maintain optimum inventory levels
  • Manage schedule deliveries
  • Route optimization and live tracking
  • Customer management
  • Empty milk bottles
  • Notifications and reminders
  • Reports and analytics
  • Manage products and categories
  • Promotional tools

Customer App

The customer app for milk delivery is a mobile interface that allows customers to place and manage their milk subscriptions. The milk delivery app improves convenience, allowing customers to place, modify, or cancel orders without hassle. The functionalities offered by the delivery app are:

  • Place and manage milk subscriptions
  • Customize subscription orders
  • Pause and resume subscriptions
  • Receive real-time order updates
  • Refer and earn, discounts, or coupons
  • Live GPS tracking and ETAs
  • Receive notifications and reminders
  • In-app wallet and multiple integrated payment options

Driver App

The driver app is a mobile interface for your delivery drivers. It provides them with daily tasks for seamless and uninterrupted doorstep deliveries of milk. Providing a milk delivery driver app ensures on-time and hassle-free deliveries. The functionalities offered by the driver app are:

  • Daily task clarity
  • Modify milk orders on the run-time
  • GPS navigation
  • Place orders for new and existing customers
  • Mark orders as delivered, rescheduled, and canceled
  • Obtain proof of delivery and payment
  • Collect payments and record – cash and online payments
  • Collect and record empty milk bottles

Importance of tracking milk glass bottles in the milk distribution business

As businesses and customers prefer sustainable practices, using and tracking reusable milk glass bottles has become crucial. The milk delivery bottles are reusable and have higher initial costs than single-use plastics. It is important to efficiently manage bottle circulation to reduce losses, increase bottle lifespan, and maximize return on investment. Inaccurate bottle tracking can lead to missing them, increasing the cost of replacements. Effective bottle tracking and management ensures smoother operations, timely collections, and reduced environmental waste. Milk bottle tracking strengthens customer accountability, minimizes environmental impact, and streamlines logistics. Implementing empty bottle tracking software improves operational efficiency and promotes eco-friendly practices.

Challenges faced in tracking glass bottles in the door-step milk delivery business

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Manual tracking includes many challenges in tracking glass bottles in the doorstep milk delivery business without milk management software that can impact efficiency and profitability. Some of the key blockers faced are:

  • Lost bottles – Your customers might not return, misplace, or use bottles for other reasons, which can increase the rate of losing bottles. Losing bottles need to be replaced with new ones, increasing the costs.
  • Customer disputes – Ensuring that your customers return the bottles is tedious without a reliable system, which can result in disputes over bottle deposits and collection records.
  • Manually recording – The bottles were tracked through spreadsheets or on paper, resulting in errors, missed collections, and delays. This makes it difficult to respond to the issues in real time.
  • Logistical issues – Bottled collection can be difficult for multi-stop routes with various customers during fluctuating demands and inefficient bottle tracking results in ineffective counting of the bottles in circulation at any given time.
  • Bottle damage – Glass bottles are recyclable but fragile, making them prone to damage. This can lead to higher replacement costs.
  • Inconsistent patterns – Customers may skip deliveries or delay bottle returns, which makes it hard to manage your glass bottles effectively.

Ways in which milk round software helps you track glass milk bottles

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Milk round software can automate bottle monitoring to address the above challenges. This reduces financial and bottle losses and streamlines operations from delivery to empty bottle collection. Ways in which milk round software helps you track glass bottles with milk round software:

  • Automated data entry – The drivers can collect and record the number of milk bottles given to and collected from the customers on the driver app. The system automatically calculates if there are any pending milk bottles still with the customers. The data entered by the driver is auto-updated on the admin panel. This automation mitigates the risk of manual errors and customer disputes.
  • Product linking – You can link the bottles with the products and add deposits for them. This will improve the scope of tracking bottles if your drivers forget to log the numbers. The refunds for the deposit amount for bottles are made when the empty milk bottles are returned.
  • Inventory management – The milk delivery software enables you to track bottles and maintain an optimum level of milk bottles. This can help you identify how many bottles were broken or misplaced. It ensures that you have an adequate glass bottle to deliver milk.
  • Set deposits – You can set the deposit amount for the bottles. If your product is linked with the bottles, the deposit amount for the bottles is reflected in the bill. If not, your delivery drivers can convey the deposit amount to the customers. Setting the deposit amount prevents financial loss if the bottle breaks or is misplaced by the customers.
  • On-demand bottle pick-up – This feature allows you to collect empty milk bottles from customers once their subscription ends. Your customers can place the request to collect pending bottles and your delivery drivers can go and pick the bottles.

Benefits of tracking glass milk bottles with milk round software

Milk in subscription-based deliveries is delivered in glass bottles. The system offers reverse logistics features and tools to manage and track empty containers, like glass milk bottles. The benefits of tracking glass milk bottles with milk round software are:

  • Tracking bottles ensures a closed circular financial loop and helps avoid losses in misplaced empty glass bottles. This prevents you from bearing extra costs.
  • It helps you maintain the optimum level of glass bottles. This ensures the right amount of glass bottles to make milk deliveries.
  • It automates the process and reduces manual efforts, minimizing the risk of errors. The system provides real-time updates that help you make quick decisions.
  • The deposit system helps you recover your finances if the bottle is misplaced or broken. If the bottle is returned successfully, the refund is made.
  • Delivering in reusable bottles and managing them encourages environmental concerns, making your business environmentally sustainable. These initiatives help attract environmentally conscious customers.
  • You can optimize your empty bottle pickup and schedule them. Your customers can check the status of the empty bottles to foster transparency and trust.

Increase your milk delivery business’s ROI

Automate complete delivery process &
save the extra costs.


Milk management software is a great choice for businesses looking to track milk bottles. Investing in such milk delivery app development can be strategic to minimize operational and administrative costs and maximize your profits. Connect with us to see how Milk Delivery Solutions can help you manage your business and make your business efficient and profitable.